Your guide to a fulfilled life

Albert Jokelin
3 min readFeb 27, 2023
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Often we find ourselves caught up in a certain activity or goal, leading us to overindulge and neglect other aspects of our lives. It may be playing video games, pursuing a passion project, or even running a business.

While it is important to do what we love and follow our dreams, we should also strive for balance in all areas of our lives.

The common quotes we see on social media such as “Do what you love”, “Follow your passion”, and “You only live once” can be inspiring and motivating. However, they can also be misleading, making us believe that we should focus solely on one aspect of our lives and ignore everything else.

This can lead to an unbalanced life and potential problems down the road.

For instance, if you are starting a business, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget about your health. Neglecting your physical health can lead to burnout, illness, and ultimately, the failure of your venture.

Similarly, spending all your time playing video games may bring short-term happiness, but it can also lead to neglecting your relationships, work, and personal growth.

True happiness comes from finding a balance in all areas of our lives. This means setting priorities and allocating time for each of them. It is important to identify what matters most to us, whether it is our health, career, relationships, personal growth, or hobbies.

We should then create a plan that allows us to spend time on each of these areas, without neglecting any of them.

One way to achieve balance is to create a schedule or routine that includes all the different areas of our lives. For example, if you want to focus on your health, you can set aside time each day for exercise, meal planning, and self-care.

If you want to pursue a passion project, you can allocate a certain amount of time each week to work on it, while still leaving time for work, relationships, and other important areas of your life.

Another way to achieve balance is to learn how to say no. We often feel pressured to say yes to every opportunity that comes our way, whether it is a new project at work or a social event. However, saying yes to everything can lead to an overwhelming schedule and neglecting other areas of our lives.

It is important to prioritize our time and say no to things that do not align with our values and goals.

While it is important to do what we love and follow our passions, finding balance in all areas of our lives is equally important.

We should strive to identify what matters most to us and create a plan that allows us to spend time on each of these areas.

By doing so, we can find true happiness and fulfilment in our lives, without neglecting any of the important aspects that make us who we are.

